The Ministry Of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania has prepared an action program, the priority of which is

The Lithuanian Green Course

The program envisages the implementation of 4 projects:

A circular and climate-neutral economy

Sustainable and accessible cities

Protection and sustainable use of natural capital

Society is a partner in the transformation of the green course

The goals of the project “Sustainable and Accessible Cities” are:

  • The first climate-neutral and waste-free Lithuanian city by 2030
  • Until 2030 we will reduce the CO2 footprint of urban areas by a third

The following activities are planned to achieve the objectives:

  • We will breathe clean air in the cities 2021–2024
  • We will enable self-government to create life-friendly cities and towns 2021-2022
  • Renovation wave – 1,000 renovated apartment buildings per year 2021–2024
  • We will replace the viscous construction bureaucracy with innovation and digitalisation 2021– 2024

Tasks of the activity “Renovation wave – 1,000 renovated apartment buildings per year”:

  • to promote the preparation and implementation of multi-apartment house renovation (modernization) projects by providing state support to the owners of multi-family houses, apartments and other premises –  2024;
  • to prepare a plan for the implementation of the long-term building renovation strategy, promoting quarterly renovation initiatives, concentrating investments for the implementation of projects -2021;
  • to create a building renovation competence centre, one-stop-shop coordination of building renovation measures, providing methodological and consulting assistance on building renovation issues – 2022;
  • review and clarify the mechanisms of legal regulation and/or promotion in order to accelerate the conversion of territories and the reconstruction of buildings in them, in accordance with the Bauhaus initiative – 2023.

Prepared according to the information provided by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania.

Renovation of heritage object- apartment house in Kaunas city, BETA photo (

Author: Rasa Bertasiute