Barcelona City Council’s Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape has resolved the Second Green Roofs Competition, an initiative promoting the establishment of new green roofs in the city.
The competition’s ten winning projects will receive a 75% subsidy on the cost, up to a limit of €100,000 per roof. The 10 selected projects include features such as self-sufficient urban allotments, rainwater collection, installations for renewable energy generation, a composting area for organic waste, and relaxation and leisure areas.
The evaluation took into account the following criteria:
- Number of flats in the building.
- The planting of greenery and biodiversity.
- The water cycle, the creation of efficient watering systems, and the recovery and use of rainwater.
- Improving energy behaviour and the use of sustainable materials.
- Energy generation with renewable-energy systems, wind turbines and solar panels.
- Landscape improvement, visibility from neighbouring buildings and public areas, as well as the green roof’s integration into the building.
- Economy in the execution, proportionality criteria in terms of the intervention and the result.
- Collective and social benefits.
A total of 47 projects were presented for this second green roof competition. All in all, the transformation of these 10 roofs will expand the city’s urban greenery by 2,055 square metres and will be enjoyed by 362 flats.
Author: Montserrat Bosch Gonzalez (UPC)