Technological innovations for rehabilitation

1.1 - Continuous and discontinuous load-bearing masonry foundations
1.2 - Underground walls and structures

2.1 - Continuous masonry structures or wooden continuous structures (Blockbau system,)
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces
- Consolidating of natural or artificial stone materials
- Consolidation using carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
- Double pre-deflection technique
- Eco-efficient thermal insulation panel based on bio-materials
- Hydraulic lime with low content of soluble salt
- Shielding and insulation against low frequency electromagnetic fields.
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Masonry reinforcement by mortar injections.
- Mortar based on hydraulic lime reinforced using natural fibers.
- Mortar for plaster obtained from waste and recycled glass.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Rehabilitation of industrial ceramic chimneys.
- Reinforcement of the masonry structure.
- Reinforcement using carbon fiber tubes.
- Structural evaluation of rammed earth walls.
- Structural mortar.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
- VOC free polymer-based liquid.
2.2 - Discontinuous structures. Structural frames (wood, concrete, steel, …)
2.2.1 Pillars
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Consolidating of natural or artificial stone materials.
- Geo-polymeric mortars for masonry remediation.
- Mortar for plaster obtained from waste and recycled glass.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Self-healing concrete products and technology.
- Structural upgrade of reinforced concrete buildings using carbon fiber reinforced polymer.
2.2.2 Beams
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Geo-polymeric mortars for masonry remediation.
- Laminated wood sandwich panel, also with a structural function (timber framing solutions).
- Mortar for plaster obtained from waste and recycled glass.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Self-healing concrete products and technology.
- Structural upgrade of reinforced concrete buildings using carbon fiber reinforced polymer.
2.3 - Masonry construction elements inserted inside vertical bearing structures
2.3.1 - Arches, lintels
- Arch reinforcement by steel horizontal beams.
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Consolidating of natural or artificial stone materials.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
2.3.2 - Structural surrounding of openings, elements of confinement of masonry empty spaces for openings
2.3.3 - Supporting and reinforcement elements: reinforced concrete ring beams, wooden or metal tie rods, bracing systems, diagonal beams and struts …
2.3.4 - Seismic prevention systems and others safety measures

3.1 – Floors, loggias and trampling of porticos or covered walk-ways, …
- Acoustic-thermal insulation for floating slabs.
- Active system for reinforcing wooden floors.
- Consolidation of overhanging decorative elements.
- Construction of overhang systems.
- Eco-efficient thermal insulation panel based on bio-materials.
- Structural fibreboard for the reinforcement of wooden slabs.
- Geo-polymeric mortars for masonry remediation.
- Granular polymer blend for lightweight substrates with high thermal and acoustic insulation performance.
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Micro-laminated wood panel for structural reinforcement of wooden slabs.
- Mortar based on hydraulic lime reinforced using natural fibers.
- Narrow flange profiles recovery.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Rehabilitation of façade elements.
- Rehabilitation of horizontal structures.
- Rehabilitation of metal / wooden pitched roofs.
- Reinforced wooden beams.
- Reinforcement of beams and slabs with beta system.
- Reinforcement of beams and slabs with FRP sheets.
- Fire protection of the wooden floors.
- Replacement of unidirectional roofs - A.
- Replacement of unidirectional roofs - B.
- Replacement of unidirectional roofs - C.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
- Structural reinforcement of wooden slabs through tongued and grooved glulam beams connected to existing beamsS.
- VOC free polymer-based liquid.
- Wooden beams reinforcement and prothesis.
- Wooden honeycomb slab.
3.2 - Vaults and domes
3.3 - Stairs

4.1 – Roofs
- Double bending tinning technology.
- Eco-efficient thermal insulation panel based on bio-materials.
- Fixing ornamental elements.
- Geo-polymeric mortars for masonry remediation.
- Granular polymer blend for lightweight substrates with high thermal and acoustic insulation performance.
- Green roof installation technology.
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Reinforced wooden beams.
- Reinforcing masonry by attic curbs.
- Roof bracing for enhance the overall rigidity of the roof.
- Tensioned monolayers or pneumatic multilayers using cushions.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
- Blown-in Mineral Wool insulation.
- Wooden beams reinforcement and prothesis.
- Rockciel - External thermal insulation composite system.
4.2 - Horizontal/Flat roofs and terraces
- Eco-efficient thermal insulation panel based on bio-materials.
- Fixing ornamental elements.
- Geo-polymeric mortars for masonry remediation.
- Granular polymer blend for lightweight substrates with high thermal and acoustic insulation performance.
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
- Inverted roofs with extruded polystyrene.
- Wooden beams reinforcement and prothesis.

5.1 - Different types of façades
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Shielding and insulation against low frequency electromagnetic fields.
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Photocatalytic mortars for plastering applications.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Salt-resistant masonry mortar - natural hydraulic lime and ECO-POZZOLAN.
- Sustainable mortars for thermo-plastering applications.
- Thermal Insulation Paint based on terpolyacrylic resins.
- Thermal insulation systems.
- Thermal undercoat plaster insulation.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
- Blown-in Mineral Wool insulation.
- Ventilated Facade with mineral wool.
- REDArt - External thermal insulation composite system.
- REDIn – Mineral wool insulation system.
- VENTIROCK - Ventilated façade system.
5.2 - Protruding construction elements
5.2.1 Cornices
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Consolidation and repurposing of cornices.
- Fixing ornamental elements.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
5.2.2 Loggias and balconies
- Cleaning solution for stone and painted surfaces.
- Consolidation and repurposing of cornices.
- Construction of overhang systems.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Rehabilitation of facade elements.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
5.2.3 Gargoyles, eaves, rain descendants
5.2.4 Others
5.3 - Wall coverings
- Consolidating of natural or artificial stone materials
- Dehumidifying render - natural hydraulic lime NHL and ECO-POZZOLAN.
- Eco-efficient thermal insulation panel based on bio-materials
- Hemp compost walls and insulations.
- Hydraulic lime with low content of soluble salt
- Insulation panel made from sustainable materials for external insulation.
- Photocatalytic mortars for plastering applications.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Protection against biological colonization.
- Surfaces cleaning system.
- Sustainable mortars for thermo-plastering applications.
- Thermal Insulation Paint based on terpolyacrylic resins.
- Thermal smoothing compound.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
5.4 - Other decorative elements

6.1 - Different types of wall and floors intrados coverings
- Consolidating of natural or artificial stone materials.
- Hydraulic plaster with the addition of ceramic dust.
- Dehumidifying render - natural hydraulic lime NHL and ECO-POZZOLAN.
- Photocatalytic mortars for plastering applications.
- Plaster made of aerial lime.
- Rehabilitation of concrete.
- Salt-resistant masonry mortar - natural hydraulic lime and ECO-POZZOLAN.
- Sustainable mortars for thermo-plastering applications.
- Thermal smoothing compound.
- Thermal insulating plasters.
- Thermoplastic Acrylic Resin.
6.2 - Indoor or outdoor paving
6.3 - Decorative elements (glass. iron and cast iron, majolica tiles, mosaic, ….)
6.4 - Doors and windows
6.5 - Ceilings and partition walls
6.6 - Others

7.1 - Water, sewerage and drainage systems
7.2 - Electricity and gas systems
7.3 - Heating and cooling systems
7.4 - Elevators
7.5 - Oher systems

8.1 - Habitability and Comfort
8.1.1 - Comfort standards
- Asphaltic anti-radon barriers
- Shielding and insulation against low frequency electromagnetic fields.
- Multifoil insulation.
- Vacuum Insulation Panel.
8.1.2 - Ventilation
8.1.3 - Lighting
8.1.4 - Protection against noise
8.1.5 - Protection against fire
8.1.6 - Accessibility (Design for all)
8.2 - Energy Efficiency strategies
8.2.1 - Passive elements
8.2.2 - Building envelope insulation
- Composite faced board.
- Insulation panels.
- Thermal insulation material.
- Thermal insulation systems.
- Thermal undercoat plaster insulation.
- Blown-in Mineral Wool insulation.
- Ventilated Facade with mineral wool.
- Vacuum Insulation Panel.
- REDArt - External thermal insulation composite system.
- REDIn – Mineral wool insulation system.
- VENTIROCK - Ventilated façade system.
8.2.3 - Active elements
8.2.4 - Integration of renewable energies
8.3 - Dampness, Moisture and Humidity
8.3.1 - Capillarity
- Dampness prevention systems.
- Dehumidifying render - natural hydraulic lime NHL and ECO-POZZOLAN.
- Drainage trench around the walls to prevent rising damp.
- Electro-osmosis method.
- Drainage trench around the walls to prevent rising damp Removal of plaster from the lower part of a masonry wall facing the moisture effects.
8.3.2 - Condensation
8.3.3 - Water infiltrations and absorption problems
- Dimple membranes for basement waterproofing.
- Hydraulic lime with low content of soluble salt
- Moisture-resistant wood fiber board.
- Polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating.