From 20th to 24th September 2021

UNIPA, Palermo, Italy

Università degli Studi di Palermo, Department of Architecture (DARCH)
University Campus, Building 08, F4 Staircase, Ernesto Basile Room
Viale delle Scienze. 90128 – PALERMO
Prof. TIZIANA CAMPISI; mobile: (+39) 3280089776

The partners will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration. These topics are considered necessary for future “Building Rehabilitation Experts”.

The aim of the event is to agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for “Building Rehabilitation Experts” in the partner Countries. At the same time partners from the different countries will check their own state of the art on the comparative research, orientating and focussing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.

The participants will be selected as experts able to give elements for the debate for the development of intellectual outputs, as extensive research activity carried out between the University of Palermo – Department of Architecture experts.


Monday 20th September 2021

09:00 a.m. – 13:00 a.m.

Welcome and Reception of all the Participants at DARCH, Department of
Architecture, University of Palermo

Prof. Andrea Sciascia, Head of the Department of Architecture, prof. Tiziana Campisi, Scientific Responsible of the project for UNIPA

UNIPA Staff: proff. Simona Colajanni, Giuseppe Di Benedetto, Tiziana Firrone, Maria Luisa Germanà, Elvira Nicolini, Antonella Mamì, Manfredi Saeli

All Partner, Stakeholders and other Participants

Presentation of the targets of the Course, organisation and program activities

prof. Tiziana Campisi

15:00p.m. – 16:00 p.m.

Applied researches of materials for rehabilitation, visiting the Laboratory of Building Materials and Technologies of Department of Architecture at
University of Palermo

proff. Simona Colajanni, Antonella Mamì, Elvira Nicolini, Manfredi Saeli

17:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Technical visit to the Sirocco Room of Villa Naselli-Ambleri, as traditional
passive cooling system example, reproducible in rehabilitation interventions of
traditional buildings for a valid and functional energetic control

prof. Manfredi Saeli

Tuesday 21st September 2021

09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.

Technical visit to Steri Palace, as emblematic example of best restoration
practices of Architectural Heritage

arch. Costanza Conti, eng. Antonio Sorce, Technical Area UNIPA

Technical visit to ex St. Antonino Convent and Military Mill; restoration and reconversion into a Centre of foreign languages of University of Palermo, School of Italian for foreigners and also multifunctional place

arch. Costanza Conti, eng. Antonio Sorce, Technical Area UNIPA

15:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Technical visit to Forcella De Seta Palace, as example of an in progress
restoration building yard

ANCE Sicily, pres. Massimiliano Miconi, eng. Marco Giammona

Technical visit to S. Erasmo port, as example of contemporary urban
regeneration and building rehabilitation, rehabilitation intervention and reuse as touristic hub with restaurants

Provenzano Associate Architects, arch. Sebastiano Provenzano

Wednesday 22nd September 2021

09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.

Technical visit to to Butera and Piraino Palaces, from noble monumental
architectures to reconversion into house for owners, museum and art gallery, epicentre of art and culture (Butera Foundation, Massimo e Francesca

arch. Giovanni Cappelletti, eng. Marco Giammona, Mr. Mario Puglisi

15:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Technical visit to Costantino/Di Napoli Palaces, as example of monumental
building waiting a new function also using a contemporary, technological and innovative restoration.

eng. Marco Giammona

Thursday 23rd September 2021

9:00 a.m. – 13:00 a.m.

Technical visit to the ex Bonet palace and S. Anna la Misericordia Convent,
example of restoration as E. Restivo Modern Art Gallery (GAM) of Palermo.

eng. Renzo Botindari

15:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Technical visit to the ex Cassa di Risparmio Bank, restored and reconverted
as Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa luxury hotel.

Provenzano Associate Architects, arch. Fausto Provenzano, arch. Sebastiano Provenzano

Friday 24th September 2021

9:00 a.m. – 13:00 a.m.

Technical visit at Celestri S. Croce-Trigona S. Elia monumental Palace,
restored as exposition space for temporary exhibitions

eng. Paolo Mattina

Technical visit to ex Benedectine conventual complex, actually restored and
transformed to CAMPLUS Hotel, dwelling services offered to UNIPA students.

ANCE Italy, Mr. Fabio Sanfratello

15:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Conclusions, debate, remarks and applications of the information of the
Course for the IO tasks, at Department of Architecture, Building n.08, University
of Palermo.

All Partner, Stakeholders and Participants