Short-term joint staff training in Technological innovation and adaptive reuse of historic buildings – Nicosia, Cyprus

From 6-10 June 2022

UCY, Nicosia, Cyprus

University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture, Kallipoleos 75, Nicosia 1678
Prof. Maria Philokyprou,
Stavroula Thravalou,

The partners will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration. These topics are considered necessary for future “Building Rehabilitation Experts”.

The aim of the event is to agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for “Building Rehabilitation Experts” in the partner Countries. At the same time partners from the different countries will check their own state of the art on the comparative research, orientating and focusing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.

The participants will be selected as experts able to give elements for the debate for the development of intellectual outputs, as extensive research activity carried out between the University of Cyprus – Department of Architecture experts.


Monday 6th June 2022

09:00 a.m.

Welcome and Reception of all the Participants at UCY, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

Associate Professor Nadia Charalambous, Head of the Department of Architecture, Assoociate Professor Maria Philokyprou, Scientific Responsible of the project for UCY, Associate Professor Andreas Savvides

UCY Staff: Accociate Professor Maria Philokpyrou, Associate Professor Andreas Savvides, Assistant Professor Aimilios Michael, Stavroula Thravalou, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Maria Nodaraki

All Partner, Stakeholders and other Participants

Presentation of the targets of the Course, organisation and program activities

Associate Professor Maria Philokyprou

10:30 a.m.

Visit to the Fab lab of UCY Department of Architecture

11.30 -12.00

Coffee Break

12:30 p.m.

Traditional materials for rehabilitation, visiting the Ledra Laboratory of Building Materials of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Cyprus

Professor Ioannis Ioannou

14:00 p.m.

Lunch Break

15:00 -16:00

Presentation on “ Regeneration of the walled city of Nicosia”
Athena Papadopoulou, Senior Architect / Planning Officer Nicosia Master Plan Office 

15:30 -18:00

Technical visit to the Walled City of Nicosia, as traditional area where many rehabilitation projects took place especially by the Municipality of Nicosia (Visit to the Exarchia – Kalavas and Agisilaou architects)

Tuesday, 7th June 2022

09:00 a.m.

Technical visit to the Leventios Museum of the old city of Nicosia, two mansions restored and converted into a contemporary museum. Contemporary installations in the Museum with digital representations of the walled city of Nicosia
Despina Parpa

10:30 a.m.

Visit to an industrial building converted into a cultural centre – Old Electric Station of Nicosia
Municipality of Nicosia

Technical visit to the Technical Chamber of Cyrus (ETEK)
Maria Mavrou

Technical visit to residential traditional houses
Savvas Christofides

Technical visit to the Center for Social Solidarity and Networking “To STEKI”
Simos Drousiotis, Municipality of Nicosia

Technical visit to Hadjigiorgakis Kornesios Mansion, as an example of best restoration practices of Architectural Heritage, Europa Nostra Award
Evi Fiouri, Department of Antiquities, Elena Limbouri Kozakou

14.00 p.m.

Technical visit to the Museum of Pancyprian Gymnasium; restoration and rehabilation by Antonia Theodosiou, Europa Nostra award for the use of adobes
Antonia Theodosiou

14.30 p.m.

Lunch Break

15.30 p.m.

Technical visit to the Famagusta Gate and the adjacent walls of the city
Elena Limbouri Kozakou

16.00 p.m.

Technical visit to ICOMOS premises
Chrysanthos Pissarides

Technical visit to Axiothea mansion in Chrysalinitissa area, as example of restoration and rehabilitation in order to be host university uses (cultural centre)
Glafkos Papadouris

Technical visit to UCY hostels in Chrysaliniotissa area, as examples of contemporary urban regeneration and building rehabilitation, intervention and reuse

Technical visit to residential traditional houses (some recently renovated and some in progress)
Savvas Christofides

Wednesday 8th June 2022

09:00 a.m.

Meet in Nicosia

10:30 a.m.

Technical visit to Limassol area, to two industrial buildings:

The old Carob Mill in the Caslte area of the City. These premises were converted into cultural centres, hosting also restaurants and other activities.

The Trakasol, near the new marina area of the City. These industrial buildings were converted into premises for a marine school
Christia Christou

13:00 p.m.

Lunch break

15:00 p.m.

Technical visit to the Water Museum in Limassol, an industrial building converted into a museum
Christia Christou

16:00 p.m.

Technical visit to three Colonial Buildings converted into University premises (TEPAK)

Thursday, 9th June 2022

09:00 a.m.

Meet in Nicosia

10.00 a.m.

Technical visit to the traditional village of Fikardou, a picturesque village declared an ancient monument by the Department of Antiquities and converted into an open museum area.

Technical visit to the House of Katsinioros, the oldest traditional house of the village converted into a museum of folk art

Technical visit to the House of Achilleas Dhimitriou, a typical traditional house of the village converted into a museum

Technical visit to the timber roof church of the village
Department of Antiquities, Evi Fiouri

13:00 p.m.

Lunch break

15:00 p.m.

Technical visit to the traditional village of Lazania

Friday, 10th June 2022

9:00 a.m. – 13:00 a.m.

Technical visit to the House of the Citizens, an urban traditional building near the Archaeological Museum, restored and reused recently
Christos Marathovouniotis

10.00 a.m.

Technical visit to the traditional area of Kaimakli

Technical visit to a traditional vernacular dwelling in Kaimakli area owned by the architect Yiorgos Chatzichristos – innovative conservation and contemporay additions

Yiorgos Hadjichristou

12.30 p.m.

Conclusions, debate, remarks and applications of the information of the Course for the IO tasks, at Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus
All Partner, Stakeholders and Participants

14.30 p.m.

Lunch (old town)