The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has activated programs to promote the rehabilitation of the Spanish real estate park with the help of European recovery funds and is going to invest 5,800 million euros in renovating and improving the energy efficiency of buildings, that 1,080 million euros will be used to finance actions in public buildings, to meet the challenge of having a quality park with high energy efficiency, in line with the objectives against climate change.
Interventions must reduce the demand for non-renewable primary energy by at least 30% and improve environmental sustainability, accessibility, habitability and conservation of all types of buildings. The actions financed must have an integrated nature, and meet the criteria of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetic quality provided for by the New European Bauhaus. Regardless of the total amount of the action, the amount to be financed may not exceed €3,000,000.
Author: Xavier Casanovas (RehabiMed)