The French recovery plan for COVID19 crisis, considers rehabilitation activity.


The French recovery plan objective is to regain, at the end of 2022, the level of activity of 2019, before the COVID19 crisis and the economic collapse. It includes three pillars: ecological transition, economic competitiveness and social and territorial cohesion.

In the first, the building sector will benefit from 7 billion euros, including 4 billion for the energy rehabilitation of public buildings; 2 billion will be devoted to the energy rehabilitation of housing which will target global rehabilitations. In addition, this amount devoted to the building sector proposes to help with heavy rehabilitation in the social park.

The second pillar proposes 35 billion euros for the reduction of production taxes with aid for companies and loans guaranteed by the State, especially small and medium-sized ones, therefore in the rehabilitation sector.

The last pillar, devoted to social and territorial cohesion, aims primarily to preserve jobs, with 15 billion euros. A skills component is planned, 2 billion euros in the framework of qualifying training, managed by the professional branches. This pillar also includes the 8 billion euros, which will go to support the investment of local authorities and the Bank of the Territories, both for the construction and rehabilitation of social housing and to support for small city centre shops.


Author: Xavier Casanovas (RehabiMed)