With the objective of having first impressions of the project among the professional’s community, represented by AEEBC members, as representatives of many professions concerned about Rehabilitation and Education through Europe past 5th November, an on line meeting was hold among many AEEBC members. Professionals from 9 European countries (PL, SP, SW, DK, IT, UK,IRL,BE, D) were discussing about the project and its contents and proposals
After welcomed by the AEEBC President, Mr. Gert Johansen, a round of presentation of the participants was opened. After Mr. Martin Russell-Croucher made a brief summary of the main objectives of the Project. Next, Mr Toni Floriach presented a more concise presentation on the current state of the project, including objectives accomplished and materials developed since now.
After these general presentations, Mr Toni Floriach (AEEBC) presented the objectives of the intellectual output 1: Definition of the professional profile of the “Building Rehabilitation Experts“, a presentation of the abilities of the professional, which have been defined, and the different units giving response to all abilities. He shows the first “margarita” discussed in the previous sessions by partners, and how its contents will be represented in the final syllabus. The indicative syllabus for building Rehabilitation Expert is also a part of the presentation.
This presentation was followed by a debate on the different issues raised, with interesting contributions from all the participants. All agree in the fact that the expert we are defining has to be able to reach a good knowledge of projects and intervention in the buildings, both of its state and its uses, and needs also the generic abilities defined. The different approaches from different professions, all represented in AEEBC members with different names, live all through Europe, bring the debate an interesting diversity.
Author: Rasa Bertasiute (KTU)